Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Week 57 - It's Raining Buckets!

September 29, 2014

Hey guys!

How's it going?  It was a bit of a crazy week, it rained every single day! Actually it hasn't stopped since last Tuesday so I guess we're going for our second week in a row. Hopefully we can beat Noah's record in the coming weeks! Other than that it was a really good week. We had quite a few lessons with members and we're still eating the leftovers from the 18 of September parties, lots of empanadas!

Monday we wrote, shopped, chilled out in the house for a couple of hours and then got my haircut before going out. Other than that not too much happened except the zone leaders calling to tell me that we were going to do divisions on Tuesday. 

Tuesday we had district meeting, it actually went pretty good, by far one of my best compared to my first couple of weeks. We mostly talked about the conference we had with Elder Viña and what we learned from it followed by some practices, the normal stuff I guess. After that we went to the familia Bahamondez to eat and we had some really good pasta. We then went to the house and waited for the zone leaders to call us. We split up and I went with Elder Gomez (third time in a row, no sé) and started to work. We first went to the familia Maldonados house to pick up Carlitos to take him to a couple of citas (appointments) we had set up. Afterwards we took him back and we contacted and visited members’ houses until 8 when we all met up at the church and went to a cita with Marcelo. It was amazing! He understood and was willing to follow all of the commandments and is really excited for his baptism this 18 of October. 

Wednesday we taught J. I really don't know what happened, he has lost a ton of animo (spirit) and really isn't interested right now.  He told us he would come to church, but he really didn't seem too excited about it. We then walked around and taught a few menos activos and pf families in the area.

Thursday was pretty cool.  After weekly planning we headed down to the Bahamondez house to give Sebastian a blessing, he had chicken pox and really couldn't move at all. We blessed him that he would be healed and better by Friday. After that we went to hermana Suzanna's house to teach her grandaughter a bit.

Friday we passed by the Bahamondez house and what do you know? Sebastian was his normal annoying self again, running all over the place, priesthood's real, nuff said!

Saturday was really crazy we ended up have 3 lessons with members and none of them were set up either.  Our members just randomly had awesome investigators sitting in their houses that they wanted us to teach and another investigator just walked into our noche de hogar (FHE), cool stuff!

Sunday was a bit crazy, it rained buckets and because of that no one showed up to church! J wasn't feeling up to it, but on the other hand Marcelo, who had his birthday party and went to bed at 7am came and so did his grandfather Patricio, a menos activo (less active) who only has half a foot, walked by himself all the way to church. Amazing day!

Sorry guys I'm a bit short on time and details but I just want to tell you that I love you all and want you to have a great week wherever you are!

Elder Washburn

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